Monday, June 21, 2010

Hot. Hot. Soccer!

The heat is becoming intolerable. It’s 6pm and 49 degrees celsius. And the worst is yet to come... when night falls it brings with it levels of humidity that have to be experienced to be comprehended. Stepping out of the safety of fully-air-conditioned buildings means literally walking into a wall of heat. Ever had a hairdryer blow into your face at full speed on the this-is-definitely-going-to-damage-your-hair setting? Well, that’s the feeling. Only you can’t switch it off, and it’s a full-body affair.

But onto other matters that are equally as hot... the World Cup. SO wish I was back home to be in the midst of what seems to be an amazing, vuvuzela-infused, spirit-overloaded event! Soccer fever has hit the UAE in a big way too. Most nights are spent on our regular spot on the couch at the “Y-Bar” in one of the hotels here. It gets packed with all sorts of nationalities depending on the game. I am absolutely loving meeting people from all over the world. At one of the games the following nationalities were sitting on the afore-mentioned couch: Lebanon, America (my wonderful boyfriend, who is affectionately nicknamed “Baltimore” by everyone), little ol’ South African me, my Canadian friend Ivanna, our Icelandic friend Joey (who knew that people and not only volcanoes came from that country?), our German friend Mattheus, the mad Brit Marky Marc, a Bulgarian and a Polish girl. Certainly makes for interesting conversation, let me tell you. Soccer, truly is a universal unifyer. I never paid much attention to it - but have become quite engrossed despite South Africa’s... umm... performance. (Don’t worry Bafana Bafana - all will be forgiven if you just beat the French tomorrow!).

On another note, new recruits in the company are all having weight issues. And it's not from bad eating. It's either the heat that slows down your metabolism, or we're all retaining water in weird places.

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