Monday, June 7, 2010

Minus three degrees celsius has never felt so good.

That’s the temperature of the indoor ski slope in Dubai. Went there on Friday with my American. Loads and loads of fun! I spent the day in “Introduction to Skiing” and “Skiing Level 1” classes. Decided I could actually do this. I can maybe.. perhaps... actually ski! (Ok, so I didn’t really master the stopping part, but they have conveniently placed mattresses against all the walls for just that purpose!) I am a convert and can finally put “The Snowboarding Nightmare of 1997” to rest.

This is truly a place of extreme contrasts. Minus 3 degrees inside. 47 degrees out. I loved being in the cold of the Snow Resort... felt invigorated and alive (as opposed to the wilted, sweaty, sticky, hope-my-deodorant-is-working and how-does-anyone-survive-in-this-place feeling you get when you stick an appendage outside.) It’s crazy, crazy hot. I don’t think I will ever get used to it.

On another note, life has become pretty routine, even if you are constantly aware that this is another planet. I’ve made some friends on this strange little island that I live on. The picture attached is of the gang: From left to right are Joe the American, Me, Ivanna from Toronto, Canada (sorry, Tarronnno, Keyenada), and Marc the mad Brit. We generally hang out at one of the hotel pools after work, or go for dinner or whatever. It’s nice to have your phone ring with a mate on the other end of the line.

Work is getting busier. Have my first official function tomorrow - an event hosted by the Abu Dhabi Marine Corporation and the Swiss Embassy - a presentation on “The Perils of Plastic Bags”. Should be fun.

In a nutcase, I’m learning more than I ever thought possible, am having an absolute blast on the social front. On the downside, I’m still going nuts without my dogs and get very very teary whenever I see another dog, or talk about them. Got busted by an Arab whilst talking (out loud) to a sick and dying pigeon on the balcony yesterday. Forgot it was one-way glass. And yes, it was very uncomfortable.

Him: “You talking to the bird?”

Me: “ummmmm yes” [Hasty exit and note to self: “Do not talk to animals in public. Do not talk to animals in public. In fact, just do not talk to animals anymore”]

Don’t even want to think about what he must have said to people.

Am also getting really upset that I am not in SA for the World Cup. I audio-stream Highveld Stereo all day long, and the excitement seems to be reaching fever-pitch back home. Have booked a spot for the gang at work to watch the game on Friday, so will be sharing the gees from over here. Am armed and ready with my Bafana T-Shirt and my flag. And I know I am going to howl my eyes out when they play the National Anthem.

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