Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Newspaper headlines and other things

Newspapers here are interesting. Along with all the usual politics, art & culture, sport, and business sections you’d expect, every now and then your eye stumbles upon an article that reminds you that you’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto. I had to share some of them...

It’s incredibly hot here. And as I keep saying: it’s apparently not even the real summer yet. The temperature gauge in the car only registered 35 degrees when we left the office at 6pm this evening. Think about it. It can get to 55 degrees. That’s 20 DEGREES HIGHER THAN THIS!!! Oh dear God.

On another note, Grand Prix-Opening-Ticket-Sales-Fever-Season has begun here. If anyone is interested in buying tickets, you can expect to fork out AED1200 for a 2-day pass. Double that in ZAR and you’ve got yourself seats to the loudest show in town! (Apparently they even serve alcohol inside the circuit..)

Speaking of shows, I missed Harry Connic Jnr last weekend. So many international artists come out here, and because they’re sponsored by the government, the tickets are actually pretty affordable.

Have had a hectic couple of days at work and am completely exhausted. Thank goodness tomorrow is Thursday (read Friday to all of you people in the normal world). And to make it even better, our official “Cultural Tour of Abu Dhabi” (courtesy of our company) is happening in the morning. Will be sure to take LOADS of pictures. Can’t wait.

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