Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Ramblings

The absentee blogger is back! Sorry folks, but I have been on a BBC-presented “Appreciating HD” course for the last few days. Have gotten home exhausted every night, to say the least.

So I thought I ramble about some random things:

1. Lebanese Lentil & Lemon Soup is THE BUSINESS! Have it for lunch almost every day. We get it delivered from the local Lebanese take-away, rather strangely named “Automatic”.

2. Actually, the food here, in general, is amazing. Am trying very hard not to pick up weight. There is in fact a syndrome round here called “The Middle-Eastern Stone” which refers to the, erm, spare-tyre that most ex-pats develop around their stomachs during their first two months of living here. It’s seafood buffet night again tonight… someone please tell me how I am supposed to resist unlimited sushi, the endless row of enormous prawns just waiting for me to add garlic sauce, the poached salmon, crayfish tails…..??? It’s just not possible.

3. You drink a lot of water here. Like a lot.

4. The heat is ridiculous.

5. Companies here spend a load of money on corporate stationery.

6. I have decided to live in a hotel for the next two months. Finding a place to stay is almost impossible. Am working pretty hard, so not a whole lot of time to go searching. Not to mention the ridiculous price of rentals in Abu Dhabi. Wish Dubai was a little closer – there are fab apartments there for a fraction of the price. Most people live there for that very reason, and travel here every day. But travelling over 250kms a day doesn’t exactly float my boat.

7. I miss my dogs more than I can describe – especially on weekends.

8. I miss my friends. Have made friends with two guys who also live in the hotel. One is an Aviation Engineer (from Britain) and the other builds rollercoasters (American from Baltimore). They’re both nuts, which is fun.

9. Have plans to go skiing next weekend in Dubai with them. Yup – you heard right. Skiing in Dubai. And Yes, I am talking about snow skiing. Real snow. OK it’s a ski slope in a mall, but with real snow. Check it out:

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