Friday, May 21, 2010

Official tour of Abu Dhabi

So, there wasn’t exactly a queue at the Gold-Bar dispensing Auto Teller Machine when we went to the Emirates Palace Hotel on our official Abu Dhabi tour yesterday. Dis.a.point.ed. I was hoping to see an actual little nugget, in the little packet that it comes out in, all shiny and stuff.

Fortunately that was the only unimpressive moment on the tour - the rest was incredible. You’ll notice that in one of the photos I am wearing an Abaya (black robe-dress-thing) and a Shiela (the scarf-thing). How the Australians got involved in this I’m not too sure.. Anyway, we had to cover ourselves up for our visit to the Mosque. And yes, it is very very hot under those things. You sweat like a ... well you sweat a lot. Let’s leave it at that.

But, what an experience! This mosque is the biggest in the world next to the one in Mecca. It also lays claim to having the largest chandelier and the largest carpet in the world. I may be shot down in flames for saying this, but to me the building is something Disney would have created. It reminds me of the palace in Disneyworld. I’m not saying that like it’s a bad thing. I think the palace in Disneyworld is amazing. The difference is that the Mosque probably cost a hundred times more. This is a city where all that glitters IS gold. I could go on for hours about the exquisite attention to detail, the huge ceilings with their intricate designs, but I’ve decided to post a few photos for your viewing pleasure instead.

We then visited the most expensive and exclusive hotel in the world - the above-mentioned Emirates Palace. Personally, I found it ostentatious and over-the-top - a very obvious display of the wealth of this Emirate. But, to their credit, they do have a “Camelcino” on their menu - a cuppucino with camel milk - which is noteworthy, I think. Oh, and the “normal” cappucino costs AED45 (about R90). Before you gasp at the outrageous price, consider that real gold flakes adorn the froth. Now you don’t get that everyday!

For me, the highlight of the tour was where we got to see the most extraordinary views of the city. Abu Dhabi is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And yes, the sea really really is that colour and that crystal clear.

It’s our day off today, so I’m going on a canoe tour through the mangroves. I can’t wait. Have such a desperate need to be in nature - somewhere where aren’t buildings. And am SO looking forward to actually being in an ocean again. Yahoo!

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